Do you suffer from anxiety disorders? Here’s what you need to know


Anxiety is an unpleasant affection that the individual feels when he feels that his internal or external balance is about to be or is compromised.

Its universality and its characteristic of being able to manifest itself at any moment of existence explains the fact that there is no human being who has not experienced anxiety just as, to make a comparison with medicine, there is no human being who has not had one. been feverish.

Anxiety: how does it manifest itself?

If anxiety is read as an alarm signal and an attempt to adapt to a condition of psycho-physical imbalance, its manifestations and symptoms are understood. They are characterized by a state of alarm, from waiting for an extremely unpleasant event (anticipatory anxiety) to the threat of survival (panic attacks) and by a whole series of physical symptoms, due to adrenaline rushes with consequent activation of the system. sympathetic and parasympathetic.

Anxiety: what causes it?

Anxiety manifests itself as acute anxiety in the form of anxiety crises or panic attacks, which prompt those who suffer from it to seek help from the emergency room, or in the form of chronic anxiety or continuous anxiety or generalized anxiety.

Anxiety can take on a different meaning depending on the time it occurs.

Anxiety in the morning is a sign of the difficulty in starting the activity and the problems that daily life imposes,
Anxiety in the evening is more related to a difficulty in dealing with a physiological psycho-physical regression and very frequently leads to insomnia.

Anxiety can also be linked to particular events of daily life; to mention the most frequent: leaving the house and facing open spaces (agoraphobia) or on the contrary entering closed spaces such as lifts, cinemas, theaters, conference or lecture halls (claustrophobia).

Physical symptoms of anxiety

A characteristic of anxiety is that of manifesting itself in the form of somatic symptoms; besides the already mentioned insomnia, tremors, tachycardia, gastrointestinal disorders push anxious patients to contact the neurologist, the cardiologist, the gastroenterologist. The latter, having ascertained the absence of organic lesions, either administer anxiolytic drugs to the patient that act only on the symptom or help him to try to radically resolve the anxious state by sending him to the anxiety specialists.

Anxiety crisis: how to deal with it

What to do if you suffer from an anxiety crisis or panic attack?

Patients who have had critical anxious manifestations are terrified of the idea that they can repeat themselves and the first request they make to the specialist who takes care of them is to be helped to implement strategies to prevent or block, if they come suddenly, the anxiety crisis.


Observing the various syndromes it is noted that anxiety can be secondary to a specific cause (separation, stressful or traumatic events, use of particular substances or drugs, particular medical conditions) or it appears, as in generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) or in unspecified anxiety disorder, devoid of any connection with events, conflicts or substances that could justify their presence.

The knowledge of the factor or factors triggering the anxious state makes it easier to treat, especially if the onset of the disease is recent and not too dated in time. If the state of anxiety is not connected with particular events, it is necessary to recover deeply repressed fantasies or traumatic events that generated it and the work is longer and more complex.


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