Panic attack and panic attack disorder


Anxiety is a state of psychic agitation and insecurity, which is not necessarily linked to a specific object. Anxiety is often accompanied by depression – with sadness, withdrawn and self-depreciation – which can also lead to suicidal thoughts.

There are different types of anxiety disorders.

Il disturbo d’ansia generalizzata è uno stato permanente di ansia e preoccupazioni eccessive, della durata di almeno sei mesi. Lo stato d’ansia non è legato a un oggetto o a una situazione precisa. Si tratta di un’enorme inquietudine che si ripercuote su tutti gli aspetti della vita professionale, familiare, affettiva e sociale.

Questa inquietudine è difficile da controllare e ha delle conseguenze importanti sulla vita quotidiana. Spesso è accompagnata da stanchezza, tensioni muscolari, dolori, mal di testa e/o mal di pancia, agitazione, disturbi del sonno, difficoltà di concentrazione, malumore.

Anxiety disorders

Panic attack is the sudden appearance of an intense fear, a feeling of death or imminent catastrophe, in a situation in which there is no real danger. It can last about 30 minutes.

Panic Attack Disorder is characterized by recurring panic attacks that come on without warning. The attacks become chronic and have important consequences on social and professional life.


Phobia is an irrational, intense and specific fear of a particular object or situation. It can be fear of certain animals or objects, of altitude, of means of transport, of closed places, of crowds, etc. Sometimes the phobia is related to relationships with others or to a concern about an imaginary defect in one’s body.

It is normal to have moments when such fears appear. It becomes problematic when fears are so strong that they affect daily life.

Fear is beyond control and causes great suffering. The person does everything to avoid the objects or situations that cause fear and will implement strategies to avoid the object or situation or will use rituals to try to cal

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

OCD is characterized by particular, very negative fears or thoughts that invade the mind permanently. Sometimes it is words, numbers, ideas of death, but it can also be a phobia of a disease or microbes.

These obsessive thoughts cause anxiety. The person fights their fears by trying to eliminate them through repetitive, uncontrollable gestures that must absolutely be implemented.


It is important to talk about your difficulties and to consult a professional for support. Anxiety disorders can be treated with psychotherapy, associated with drug treatment. Participating in a support group, which brings together people with similar problems, can also be invaluable.

Further information on anxiety disorders and obsessive compulsive disorder can be found on the website Free your mind.

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