Eating disorders or eating disorders are diseases that affect and alter people’s eating behavior to the point of causing physical, mental or emotional health problems. The problem is usually related to weight, physical shape and figure and causes extreme and obsessive behaviors that can range from uncontrolled food consumption to the lack of voluntary intake. Names like “anorexia” or “bulimia” are becoming more and more popular.
Why do eating disorders arise?
Eating disorders are mental illnesses that affect eating behaviors and can seriously affect health. Although the possible causes that cause them are many and are not exactly known, there are genetic and biological factors such as substance changes in the brain that can be closely related.
People who suffer from it are so obsessed with their silhouette that they put their health at risk, since they lose much more weight than recommended. Although it is a disease associated with adolescents, it is becoming more and more common among men and adults.
It consists of suffering attacks of extreme voracity in which they eat, above all, highly caloric products. This behavior is followed by an enormous feeling of guilt and the provocation of vomiting.
Rampant appetite disorder
It is characterized by regular episodes in which the person eats unusually large amounts of food, loses control, and feels unable to stop eating.
Es un trastorno muy extendido entre los adolescentes, que dejan de comer para “contrarrestar” el efecto calórico del alcohol ingerido los fines de semana.
It is suffered by men with panic to gain weight, who perform an exaggerated sport and go on a diet.
La ortorexia es la obsesión por comer productos sanos llevada hasta límites patológicos. De momento no está incluida como trastorno de la alimentación en la clasificación de enfermedades mentales, ya que se trata de un fenómeno relativamente nuevo.
Also called “dietitians”, these people are continually on a diet and are assiduous followers of “miracle diets.” It is not a disease in itself, but it involves risky behavior that can trigger other problems such as anorexia or bulimia.
More common among young children, this disorder prompts the sufferer to ingest chalk, plaster, glue, paint, and other inedible products.
It is the obsession with drinking water and is closely associated with other problems such as bulimia or anorexia. Affected people can consume more than four liters a day, and they do so with the intention of filling their stomach in order to avoid food.
It is suffered by pregnant women with a fear of gaining weight, and it is a very dangerous behavior, since it puts the health of both the mother and the child at risk.
It is the obsession with having a muscular body and being fit. Those who suffer from vigorexia do a lot of sports aimed at increasing their muscles and consume protein and anabolic supplements.
Although the situation in which eating disorders arise is complicated, there are treatments that can combat them effectively. The National Institute of Mental Health recommends the use of psychotherapy, nutritional counseling, and medications that help combat depression or anxiety that are often associated with them. However, each case should be analyzed by a doctor who will advise the best way to deal with the situation.