Eating disorders are problems related to the way people eat. They can be very harmful to the health of the person, their emotions and their personal relationships. There are several different types of eating disorders.
What are the different types of eating disorders?
The most common types of eating disorder are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and avoidance / restriction eating disorder (ARFID).
Anorexia nervosa. People with anorexia nervosa:
They eat very little on purpose. This leads to very low body weight.
they are terrified of gaining weight. They can’t stand the idea of being fat.
They have a distorted body image. They still look fat despite being very thin.
People with anorexia nervosa are very strict about what to eat and how much. They may be constantly thinking about calories.
To lose weight, many people with anorexia nervosa fast or exercise too much. Others may use laxatives, diuretics, or enemas.
How do eating disorders affect health and emotions?
Los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria pueden causar problemas graves por todo el cuerpo.
La anorexia nerviosa puede conducir a problemas causados por la desnutrición y el bajo peso corporal, como los siguientes:
baja tensión arterial (o hipotensión)
pulso lento o frecuencia cardíaca irregular
sentirse cansado, débil, mareado o llegarse a desmayar
estreñimiento e hinchazón abdominal
menstruaciones irregulares
huesos débiles
retraso de la pubertad y crecimiento más lento de lo normal
sentirse solas, tristes o deprimidas
ansiedad y miedos a ganar peso
ideas de hacerse daño a sí mismas
What are the causes of eating disorders?
These types of disorders do not have a single cause. Genes, the environment, and stress play a role. There are some factors that can increase a person’s chances of having an eating disorder, such as the following:
distorted or negative body image
focusing too much on physical appearance or weight
dieting at an early age
playing sports that focus on weight (gymnastics, ballet, ice skating, and wrestling)
having a family member with an eating disorder
How are eating disorders diagnosed?
Health professionals or mental health professionals can diagnose an eating disorder based on medical history, symptoms, thought patterns, eating behaviors, and a physical examination.
The doctor will record the person’s weight and height and compare these measurements using a growth chart. Your doctor may order tests to see if there may be another cause of the eating problems and to evaluate problems caused by eating disorder.
Eating disorders are best treated when managed by a team of professionals, often including a doctor, a dietitian or nutritionist, and a therapist. Treatment includes nutrition counseling, medical care, and psychotherapy (individual, group, and family). Your doctor may prescribe medications to treat binge eating disorder, anxiety, depression, or other mental health problems.