Treatment of depressive disorders


Depressive disorders, along with anxiety problems, are one of the problems that we treat most frequently in our practice.

Many people begin to feel that they feel sad, unable to do things, with a feeling of emptiness and activities that they previously liked and satisfied, if they are depressed they stop doing them and are interested.

There are different types of depressive disorders that are characterized by negative mood dysregulation, depending on their duration, temporal presentation or their possible causes. Whatever your situation, through specialized psychological treatments in our center, we will help you overcome your problems, getting, once again, that you enjoy and feel like doing things again and feel optimistic.

Major depressive disorder

A large number of people who come to our office seeking psychological treatment do so because they have a major depressive disorder.

If you notice that you or a family member feel sad, empty or hopeless, wanting to cry or crying episodes, not wanting to do anything, without interest and unmotivated … most of the day and most days, it is possible that you have a psychological problem of major depression. Other symptoms that accompany major depression are, among others, the following: weight loss without dieting or weight gain, sleep problems -insomnia or, conversely, excessive sleepiness-, slowing or psychomotor agitation, fatigue or loss of energy … In general, you feel useless or with feelings of guilt, you have trouble concentrating or thinking, making decisions and, you can have thoughts or suicide attempts.

Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia)

If you have persistent depressive problems for two or more years (in children and adolescents Depression 2 for at least one year), it is advisable that you seek specialized psychological help because you suffer from a mood disorder, called dysthymia. If you need more information or make an appointment, you can call us.

When a person or you have dysthymia, you feel a depressed mood most of the day and most days, which manifests itself in cognitive symptoms (sadness, a feeling of emptiness, feelings of guilt and worthlessness, low self-esteem, concentration difficulties and to be able to think), behavioral (they stop attending or it costs a lot to carry out daily activities – studies, cleaning, work … -, they stop doing activities that previously did report satisfaction – meeting friends, doing sports, reading, going for a walk … – and physiological (significant weight gain or loss, insomnia or excessive sleepiness, fatigue …).

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

It is the disorder that women can experience during the premenstrual phase of the cycle or period and that remits around the beginning of menstruation or a few days later.

Many women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder, known as premenstrual syndrome, have mood swings (suddenly feel sad or tearful, or are especially sensitive), easily irritable or angry, leading to interpersonal conflict, along with depressive feelings (of hopelessness, sadness …) or anxiety symptoms (being restless or with the nerves “on edge” or feeling overwhelmed or out of control).

Postpartum depression

It is the depressive or bipolar disorder that appears in women after childbirth. Usually in the three months Depression 4 after delivery, but it can also appear immediately or even years later.

Women with postpartum depression feel sad and hopeless, very tired, have crying or bad mood episodes, are worried and anxious, along with sleeping and eating problems.The guilt makes them feel even worse, especially when it is supposed that the birth of a child should fill them with happiness.


People with this disorder feel chronically irritable, severely, during most of the day, almost every day and it is frequent in children and its diagnosis is not adequate before the age of 6 or after the age of 18.

If you have this disorder you show anger in response to frustration and aggressiveness you can exert it verbally or against objects or against other people or towards yourself. Also, you feel irritable and angry all the time.


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