23th Congress of the International Association of Individual Psychology
Wilfried Branke, Dipl. Ing & IP Councellor,
Self employed, Member of SGIPA,
Address: Wolfgangweg 15, D-88090 Immenstaad, Germany,
Web: www.branke.com, e-mail: [email protected]

In his psychology, Adler focused especially on social interest and the necessity for everybody, to contribute to the human communitiy. Therefore he drew a distinction between lifestyles with a developed “Gemeinschaftsgefuehl” and such with an inharmonious shaping in thinking, feeling or acting. But Adler himself used this understandig only for teaching and not for his practical work.

Friedman (1997, 2000 and 2004), a Nonadlerian psychologist, came to similar conclusions and developed a processoriented typology of human behaviour and the model of an Integrated Solutionoriented Psychology (ILP), which combined lead to a new model of change.
ILP suggests for instance, that on one hand lifestyles of people are more similar than we usually assume. But on the other hand each type of lifestyle needs a different kind of support for the developement of its personality and the handling of its lifetasks.
Such and other basic ideas will be presented. Further, special attention will be given to how the concepts of Adler and Friedmann fit together: Adlerian psychologists can use the complete proceedure of ILP for counceling and therapy and thereby gain greater efficiency in their work.

The basic ideas of ILP

Human skills are based on thinking, feeling and acting.
During early childhood a child decides on one of these as the most essential strategy to master his life-situations. In that way three types of lifestyle are the consequence: the goal-oriented, rapport-oriented and cognitive-oriented lifestyle.
Each type of lifestyle shows a special characteristic in psychodynamics within a certain life-situation, in the choice and priority of values, and the possibility to live a self-determined (autonomous) life.
The change of a lifestyle occurs in a circulare manner through a different way of thinking, feeling and acting and needs therefore different interventions, depending on the theme of the corresponding life-situation.
Goal-oriented themes need solution-oriented interventions, rapport-oriented themes need systemic interventions and cognitive-oriented themes need interventions, which bring about change to perceptions and beliefs.
The ideal procedure of counceling considers also the type of individual lifestile. It starts in the key-domain for the person’s developement which follows the domain of personality.
Councellors can optimize their work by correlating the interventions with the types of lifestile
Each type of lifestyle needs a special procedure for design of interventions
Each counseling session consists of a serie of interventions, which fits the changing needs of a lifestyle-type.

How ILP fits the Adlerian Individual Psychology

Adlerian Individual Psychology (IP)

1. lifestyle

2. types of lifestyle
expression of lifestyle particulary controlled by
– thinking
– feeling
– acting

3. life tasks
– work and profession
– love and marriage/partnership
– participation in communitiy

4. feelings of inferiority
(unspecified) in dedicated situations. Feelings evoked by “tendencious apperception” (misinterpreting a situation by a lack of social interest)

5. compensation
feelings of inferiority to overcome

6. target of counceling
enriching the lifestyle by encouraging and training the social interest

7. methods of counselling
(phase-oriened proceedure)

– lifestyle analysis
– creating awareness of lifestyle-organization
– reorientation in life

Integrated Solutionoriented Psychology (ILP)

1. expression of personality
evoked by a dedicated psychological structure

2. types of special organized personality

– cognitiv-oriented (ST = “Sachtyp”)
– rapport-oriented (BT = “Beziehungstyp”)
– success/goal-oriented (HT = “Handlungstyp”)

3. independend domains of life
– reaching a real goal;
necessary competence: planing and acting
– shaping a relationship;
necessary competence: interacting with authenticity, empathy and acceptance
– gaining cognition;
necessary competence: awareness
(distinguishing and labelling of wholeness)

4. feeling-traps
in dedicated situations. Feelings evoked by “tendencious apperception” (misinterpreting a situation as a lack of regard/attention or love/care or permission)
– ST: lack of regard/attention
feelings: being disregarded – being pushed aside – being disadvantaged
– BT: lack of love/care
feelings: beeing helpless – being unloved – being torn
– HT: lack of permission
feelings: being blocked – being disabled – being constricted

5. compensation
of feeling-traps by finding solutions with unsuitabe competences for the dedicated domain of life. This leads to an increase of internal psychodynamic processes, but not to a real solution of the designated domain of life

6. target of counceling
developing the neglected competences in a circular manner: domain of development (key-competence) > domain of target > domain of personality (identity)
– ST: acting > feeling > thinking
– BT: thinking > acting > feeling
– HT: feeling > thinking > acting

7. methods of counselling
(session-oriented proceedure, structured and ajusted to the type of personality)
– analysis of the type of special organised personality
– solution-oriented interventions
(targets – exceptions – hyopthetic solutions)
– systemic-oriented interventions
(paradox – energy-conversion – Tit for tat)
– belief-oriented interventions
(beliefs – expectations – identity)
Designed for the IAIP-Congress Turin 2005

Literature (only in German)

Friedmann D., 2004, Denken – Fühlen – Handeln 2004, ILP Integrierte Lösungsorientierte Psychologie


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