Round Table_International congress of individual psychology


Round Table



Negotiating open and hidden power struggle in Couples Counselling

La gestione dei conflitti di potere manifesti e dissimulati

nel counselling di coppia

Y. Schürer, Switzerland

Education & Pedagogics

Power and different family structures. The difficult relationship in migration process

A. Belpiede, Italy

potere delle immagini e immagini del potere. riflessioni sui cartoni animati giapponesi e la costruzione dell’identità negli adolescenti

image’s power and power of images. thoughts about japans cartoons and identity building of adolescents

Bastianini A.M., Italy

Theory & Research

Alfred Adler and the Psychoanalysis, an alternative

S. Kutek

Adlerian Psychotherapy and its relation to constructivism and humanistic therapies

U. Oberst, Alan E. Stewart

Business & Organization

bisogni, desideri, valori: linee guida per un nuovo management

Needs, wishes, values: guidelines for a new management

Fusaro E., Italy

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