Mental diseases – characteristics, symptoms, types, treatment


The human mind is as susceptible to disease as all parts of the body. Mental illness is a serious problem affecting people all over the world. It is estimated that several million people struggle with them in Poland, but the exact data is difficult to calculate. Mental health problems can vary. What should attract our attention?

What are mental illnesses?
Mental diseases are disorders within the brain that often lead to changes that are irreversible or difficult to heal. Mentally ill people often do not realize what is happening to them, believe that others want to force them into a neuropsychiatric facility and that the whole world is against them. The disease can take years to develop without any symptoms.

Some mental illnesses and disorders are mild, and psychotherapy and popular anxiolytic and sedative medications are enough to cure them.Some disorders, however, are so strong and affect the mind that the patient can be dangerous to the environment in which he is located. Therefore, it is not worth ignoring the first symptoms and contact a psychologist.

Why is mental health important?
According to WHO (World Health Organization) data, some 804,000 people committed suicide in 2012, and the suicide death rate increased by 9% between 2000 and 2012 and is expected to increase further. On average, it is as much as 11.4 per 100,000 people. The number is huge, and it should be remembered that there are several suicide attempts for each death. According to the WHO, a significant proportion of suicides are caused by depression or anxiety disorders, the number of which has also steadily increased in recent years.


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