The keywords for the cognitive-behavioral approach are thoughts and behaviors. The cognitive sphere of human functioning concerns his thoughts, beliefs, memory, etc., and behavior in English means alder university “behavior”. Sometimes, very rarely, in Polish the word behavior is used, which means “behavior”, and other forms are also used, for example, “behavioral”, adler school of psychology.
“behavioral”, that is, “concerning, relating to behavior”, but it happens rather specialists when they talk to each other using professional jargon. In this inner language it is an acceptable but the adler school of professional psychology rather incorrect term. The complicated name of one of the schools of psychotherapy therefore means roughly the same as “psychotherapy that deals with thoughts and behavior.”
Cognitive behavioral therapy – emotions. where is adler university?
The third word that relates to Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy adler university logo is the word “emotions”. Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy owes its interest in emotions to one of its earliest versions, called rational emotive therapy. As mentioned in the introduction adler university chicago il, CBT focuses on thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Rational emotive therapy deals with beliefs and their influence on emotions, especially the negative impact of irrational beliefs on emotions, and adler university chicago campus is secondarily interested in behaviors that respond to these beliefs and emotions.
It can be said that the final shape of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy is due to the combination of the cognitive approach, the behavioral approach and rational-emotive therapy. In summary adler university address, cognitive behavioral psychotherapy deals with the thoughts and emotions triggered by these thoughts and the behavior www adler edu (action adler university) of a person in response to thoughts and emotions.