Life in front of each of us presents many challenges, smaller psychology associations and bigger difficulties. The trick is to be able to face them and not break down when you fail. Taking care of your child’s mental health involves, among other things, supporting them
Ways of coping with various problems. Besides, to instill faith in the child’s abilities. How to do it? First of all, by challenging the child to the best of his ability (neither too difficult nor too easy adlerian psychology). It is very important to reassure your child that they can, that they can do it, that they are wise and what is adlerian psychology that they will do a lot in life. If there is a need to help a child, it is worth doing.
However, not in a way that will take away the child’s sense of influence (e.g. by completely relieving it adlerian psychology) or cut its wings psychology associations (e.g. when a parent says: “you won’t learn it anyway, I will do it faster with alderian” or “such things are not for girls / boys / toddlers.
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When your child is faced with a problem, teach them how to plan a solution to tackle it step by step. If it’s not an option to fix the problem on your own, show your child where to look for support. There may be several suggestions, for example mapa de malta from a teacher, at your place, or from a peer alderian psychology? Or maybe the solution needs to be found in a book / Internet?
People who cope well with various challenges try to actively transform a stressful situation. To this end, they plan how to solve the problem and then malta mapa, step by step adlerian, carry out the intended actions. They look for advice or support outside to cope with the challenge. If the situation is unchanging, they try to accept that something has already happened and look for the positive side of it, rather than focusing on the negative.
They treat negative experiences as a valuable lesson. This approach helps them improve their coping skills. And adlerian such skills malta fsc, in turn, strengthen the mental health of a child and constitute a kind of “vaccine” enhancing mental immunity.