The ability to recognize and name emotions


Our mental life is very rich and varied. From birth to our last moments, we experience different feelings and emotions. They are important because they inform about our reactions to external stimuli. Anger tells us that maybe someone has exceeded our limits. Sadness is the information that we have lost something valuable to us individuale. Joy tells us what we feel good about and what we need. Fear is an alarm signal of impending danger. And so on individuale. Every emotion is important. Each one enriches our everyday life.

How much easier is it to move around in this everyday life when we understand what we are going through and are able to respond appropriately to it? When we get angry with someone, we can alert them. On the other hand, when we feel sad, we can cry, hug someone individuale, go for a long walk in the forest. When we are afraid of something, we can quickly go to a safe place. If we know what we feel and we know how to react in given situations, we can take care of ourselves and function in a satisfactory way.

So you can see that knowing your own emotions and ways of dealing with them is a very important element of taking care of your own mental hygiene. Children are not born with this knowledge. They acquire it in the course of everyday experiences and observations of adults from their surroundings.

So if you want to take care of your child’s mental hygiene, show them that the emotions they are experiencing are okay. That everyone gets angry individuale, sad, worried and afraid of something at times. Also show how to deal with them constructively. If you need inspiration on this topic, check out our article on how to help your child cope with stress.


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