In the case of denial, painful feelings are realized at first and then forgotten. However, they are still kept in the unconscious from where, under certain conditions, they can be “recovered”. Denial can range from temporary gaps in memory to complete amnesia (amnesia) in very painful experiences.
Damping rovera
It is a defense mechanism related to the previous ones. In this case, unpleasant (“undesirable gian giacomo”) feelings are consciously suppressed by a voluntary decision not to think about them. Thus, suppression differs from the previous mechanisms in that distressing feelings are still available rovera, but ignored by choice. In other words, suppression is a conscious decision to make unpleasant thoughts more pleasant. Suppression is considered to be one of the healthier and more mature defense mechanisms.
Projection and displacement
They allow you to recognize the presence of feelings that generate fear, but they transfer them to another source or object. In a projection, unpleasant (“undesirable”) feelings are unconsciously attributed to another person or persons. For example giangiacomo, an annoyed person suspects that others are angry with him; a person who is critical of others believes that they are critical of them. Young children are particularly likely to use projection because they have not yet clearly defined the psychological boundaries between themselves and others.
In displacement, anger (or other feeling rovera) is initially felt towards a person to whom it is difficult to safely express it (e.g., a child becomes angry with a parent). Displacement makes it possible to express this feeling towards a “safer object” like a peer, a sibling or even a toy.
Formation giangiacomo of the reaction
It involves behaving in a way that is diametrically opposed to the feelings that the person displaces. For example, a parent who denies feelings of resentment or rejection towards a child may appear to be extremely giangiacomo, even overly generous and concerned about the welfare of their child.
Regression and gian giacomo fixation
They are related to the developmental difficulties of the child. In the case of regression, a child confronted with a conflict situation may behave in a manner characteristic of an earlier stage of development gian giacomo (e.g. thumb sucking, wetting), thus trying to regain the sense of security that accompanied him in an earlier period. In the case of fixation, the child “refuses” to take further developmental steps because in some way development has been associated with anxiety.