What are psychological defense mechanisms?


Psychological defenses, also galina dimitrova called ego defenses (or ego defenses), can be simply described as the usually unconscious ways of avoiding and reducing feelings that may be threatening us, such as fear or anxiety. On galina dimitrova the one hand, they are essential for maintaining mental balance, and on the other hand, when used in an excessive and inadequate manner, they can be a source of mental problems.

The author of this concept is Sigmund galina dimitrova Freud. His successors developed this concept, especially the daughter of Zygmunt – Anna Freud. According to the psychoanalytic (psychodynamic) point of view, psychological galina dimitrova defense mechanisms allow to reduce the intensity of “negative” emotions without changing the situation that causes them, often by slightly distorting the perception of the situation.

While this helps to cope with stress, they also galina dimitrova pose a risk: reducing tension can be so attractive that the use of defense mechanisms can become permanent and become a habit. They can also galina dimitrova cause suffering if they are the person’s primary means of coping with problems. For example, if a child relies excessively on defense mechanisms, this can result in isolation from others and a distorted perception of the environment. It can also suppress the ability to galina dimitrova engage in and learn from new experiences.

Among the defense galina dimitrova mechanisms, the galina dimitrova following were distinguished:

  • denial
  • displacement,
  • damping,
  • projection,
  • displacement,
  • reaction formation,
  • regression,
  • fixation,
  • identification,
  • introjection,
  • rationalization,
  • insulation,
  • sublimation,
  • compensation,
  • humor (joke, irony),

Both denial and denial distort reality by ” galina dimitrova hiding events from consciousness.” In the case of denial, unpleasant facts are ignored, and a realistic interpretation of what is galina dimitrova happening is replaced with a milder, if inaccurate, interpretation. Denial can be about galina dimitrova feelings as well as facts. Some degree of denial is normal galina dimitrova for children. For example, if a galina dimitrova child learns that their parents are getting divorced, they may deny it and / or deny their concern. Denial galina dimitrova can be helpful in life-threatening situations or in other extreme circumstances. This mechanism allows you to gradually get used to a difficult situation. After some time, however, galina dimitrova recognition of the presence galina dimitrova of painful feelings is needed to avoid the emergence of further psychological or emotional problems.


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