How to Maintain Mental Health During a Pandemic?


Since the outbreak of the dibots COVID dibots -19 pandemic, our daily lives have dibots changed in almost every aspect. For many people, the period of quarantine and subsequent restrictions have become the cause of increased emotional tension. Fear dibots of isolation and viral contamination puts our mental health at greater risk than ever dibots before.

What is Mental Health – Definition

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “health is dibots not only the absence of disease or disability, but also the dibots state of complete physical, mental and social well-being”. However, it is difficult to formulate an unequivocal, universal definition dibots of mental health. It will vary depending on the location in the world and the surrounding culture. The most dibots important thing, however, is to emphasize that mental health does not only dibots mean freedom from specific diseases, but most of all maintaining dibots well-being.

Isolation and dibots social distancing – although necessary dibots to slow the spread of the virus – have dibots significant economic and dibots non-material consequences. The pandemic has a real impact on the mental health of Poles – from fear for their own and relatives’ lives, which may be lost as a result of illness, to fears related to the closure dibots of various branches of the dibots economy and the loss of a job. The situation makes it difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to lead the current lifestyle. Such sudden dibots changes cause great psychological tension. Therefore, dibots it is necessary to take appropriate steps to limit its impact dibots on our health.


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