IAIP – IAIP 2017 – Sponsorship Opportunities



Dear Friends of the International Association of Individual Psychology and the Adler Graduate School:

This summer, the Adler Graduate Schools (AGS) will host the 27th Congress of the International Association of Individual Psychology (IAIP), between July 10 and July 13. This summer’s Congress – IAIP 2017 – will benefit from your help. As such, I would like to make everyone aware of sponsorship opportunities available for interested persons and organizations. But first, as brief description of IAIP 2017.

IAIP 2017 will be held at the University of St. Thomas’s campus in downtown Minneapolis and the theme is “Inferiority Feelings: New Manifestations and New Approaches”. I am confident that Alfred Adler’s perspective on inferiority feelings will come alive for anyone who chooses to attend this important event.

As an active member of IAIP, AGS is proud and honored to be playing the role of host for IAIP’s 27th Congress. IAIP Congresses occur every three years, with the past two gatherings occurring in Vienna and Paris, respectively. IAIP Congresses attract members of the Adlerian community from around the world, and foster both rich exchanges of ideas and opportunities for relationship-building.

As part of the Adler Graduate School’s preparations, we will be offering Gold, Silver and Bronze sponsorship opportunities; priced at $1500, $1000 and $500, respectively. All sponsors will be listed in a very attractive and substantive Congress Program, which is distributed to all attendees. In addition to being listed in the Congress’s very substantial program, Gold Sponsorswill be given a full-page advertisement in the program – designed by individual sponsors – to describe their organization, company or practice, for example. Similarly, Silver Sponsors will be given a half-page advertisement and Bronze Sponsors will be given a quarter-page advertisement. Please consider a sponsorship yourself and/or ask persons who you think may have an interest to consider a sponsorship.

If you have questions concerning sponsorships please contact Dan Haugen (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) or Evelyn Haas (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ), Co-Chairpersons for the IAIP 2017 Planning Committee. Likewise, If you have questions concerning the upcoming 27th Congress of the International Association of Individual Psychology, in general, visit either the IAIP website (www.iaipwebsite.org), watch the Adler Graduate School’s website (www.alfredadler.edu) for developing information, or contact the local planning committee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Thank you and I hope to see you in July.

Dan Haugen, PhD

AGS President