International Association of Individual Psychology


(Revised 1996)

Table of Contents

Article 1: Name and Language

Article 2: Function

Article 3: Members

Article 4: Organization Structure


In order to bring together the organized bodies of Individual Psychology throughout the world and to provide a forum for international dialogue, collaboration and cooperation among these various bodies in regard to the further development and application of Individual Psychology, the individual organizations have created this Association. It is the aim of this association to mutually encourage the members’ respective activities, to support their good fellowship and to enable them to make of their separate efforts a common cause. We hereby mutually agree to base all decisions upon a profound respect for, and appreciation of, the diversity found within our international membership with respect to language, culture, politics, economics and professional areas of interest.

Article 1: Name and Language

The official name of the association shall be the International Association of Individual Psychology (herein after referred to as “the Association” or “IAIP”). Wherever conflicts may exist between the various translations of this constitution, the English language version shall be considered the correct version.

Article 2: Function

The primary function and purpose of IAIP is to promote the development of Individual Psychology theory, research and application throughout the world. IAIP seeks to facilitate international dialogue, cooperation and collaboration among those bodies of the world actively involved in Individual Psychology. The Association works to encourage and assist in the further growth of Individual Psychology throughout the international community.

Article 3: Members

Section 1

Members shall be Societies or Institutes in various regions of the world which share the aims of IAIP. Members shall be formally organized as not-for-profit groups that do not belong to any other organization or political bodies and which operate in accordance with generally accepted democratic principles.

Section 2

There shall be two membership categories within IAIP: member societies and institutes.

  1. A Society shall be a legally recognized organization consisting of at least a minimum of individual members who pay annual membership dues.
  2. An Institute shall be an accredited or registered organization primarily involved in the provision of professional training in Individual Psychology to tuition paying students. An Institute shall be financially independent of any other organization.

Section 3

All members shall be required to pay membership dues which shall be determined by the delegate assembly. Regional member societies shall pay dues based upon its clarified a accepted membership list. Institutes shall pay a fixed amount for each member training institute.

Section 4

Each member is entitled to voting representation in the Delegate Assembly according its assigned number of delegates specified in Article 5, Section 2.

Section 5

Members may be suspended or expelled for noncompliance with the constitution Bye-Laws of IAIP. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the D. A. is required for suspension or expulsion of members.

Section 6

Organizations submitting an application for membership must meet all criteria membership as set forth in the association’s Bye-Laws for either a regional society training institute. Applications for membership shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary-General of IAIP who shall then submit the application to the Council. The Council shall review the application and submit it to the next regularly scheduled mmeting of the D. A. with its recommendations. Upon approval by a majority of the D.A. a after determination of the number of delegates permitted to the newly elected member organization, such delegates shall be immediately seated on the IAIP Delegate Assembly with full membership rights and privileges. The seating of new delegates shall be the first order of business after the D. A. meeting is opened and member delegates have be seated.

Article 4: Organization Structure

The bodies of the IAIP are

  1. the Delegate Assembly (D. A.),
  2. the Council,
  3. the Sections and Committees.

Article 5: Delegate Assembly (D. A.)

Section 1

The D. A. shall meet at regularly scheduled intervals as determined by the Council and least twice (2) at each international congress. Upon request of at least five (5) member the Council is empowered to call an Extraordinary meeting of the Delegates AssembIy Such an Extraordinary D. A. meeting may be held through the mails or other medium communication. The agenda shall be limited to that presented by the requesting

Section 2

Each member Institute shall been titled to two (2) delegates. The assignment of delegates regional societies shall be determined by its accepted membership list for IAIP (Section art. 3). Regional societies with a minimum of 25 but no more than 100 members shall assigned two (2) delegates. For each 100 members over the initial 100, a society shall 2 granted one additional delegate to a maximum of eight (8) delegates for any society Member.

Section 3

Regional society and institute members shall send delegates to IAIP from their accepted UP membership lists. It shall be the responsibility of each IAIP member to determine which of its members are also members of other IAIP member organizations. In cases of multiple membership, individuals shall designate which IAIP member organization may count him or her as a member for the purpose of determining membership eligibility in and number of delegates for said member. IAIP will accept delegates only from those individuals listed on a member’s accepted membership list. A delegate may therefore represent only one member organization.

Section 4

A quorum shall exist when at least half the total number of accredited delegates are present In cases where the required half of the delegates is not reached within 30 minutes ‘ter the appointed beginning of the D. A. session, the Delegate Assembly shall be deemed be quorate in its current composition as long as two-thirds (2/3) of those present deem SO.

Section 5

Delegates are to be selected by their respective member organizations. The list of member’s -legates shall be submitted to the Secretary-General prior to any D. A. meeting. The delegate it in the Secretary-General’s possession shall be deemed the official list. Members must notify the Secretary -General of any changes in its official list of delegates before the -ginning of any D. A. meeting. Each delegate is entitled to one (1) vote.

Section 6

The Delegate Assembly shall

  1. vote to accept the minutes of the previous D. A., receive a financial report from the Treasurer and receive Section reports;
  2. determine on the structure and amount of the financial contributions (dues) required of members;
  3. receive a report from the Council and vote approval;
  4. elect new Executive Officers (President, Secretary -General, and Treasurer) to serve on the Council until the next regular meeting of the D. A.;
  5. approve any changes to the association’s Bye-Laws.

Section 7

A member organization that is more than six (6) months in arrears in its financial obligations the IAIP shall not be entitled to further representation at the D. A. until such time as its financial obligations have been duly met.

Article 6: Duties of the Council

Section 1

The Council shall conduct the affairs of the IAIP between the Congresses and perform those duties herein-after stated and other duties as directed by the D. A.

Section 2

The Council shall consist of three (3) Executive Officers, along with the Honorary Presidents, and one Vice-President elected from each section.

Section 3

The Council shall

  1. prepare and conduct all Delegate Assembly meetings
  2. receive reports from its officers and sections,
  3. report to the delegates at the D. A. through its executive officers,
  4. review pending applications for membership and make recommendations on such to the D. A.,
  5. review the current status of each member and make any necessary recommendations to the D. A.,
  6. consult upon invitation of the President through any appropriate medium of communication.

Section 4

Vacancies among the Executive Officers may be filled by the Council itself and shall serve until the election at the next regular D. A. Vacancies among the Vice-Presidents shall be filled in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Bye-Laws of the effected Section.

Article 7: Duties of the Executive Officers

Section 1

The Executive Officers of the Council of the IAIP shall be the President, the Secretary General and the Treasurer.

Section 2

The President shall preside at all meetings of the Council and Delegate Assembly, represent IAIP in any external affairs, perform other duties as set forth in this constitution, and perform any other duties as directed by the D. A.

Section 3

The Secretary-General shall keep the records of the IAIP, disseminate the communications, receive communications from the member societies and prepare the agenda for the Council meetings and the meetings of the D. A. as directed by the Council. The Secretary-General shall be responsible for conveying to the Council all communications from members and from sources external to the Association. He shall be responsible for disseminating communications to the members and shall be the official body through which the members of the Council communicate among themselves. All communications from the Secretary-General to the member societies shall be addressed to the address which the society has officially registered with the IAIP. A message properly sent to this address shall be presumed to have been effectively communicated to the society in question.

Section 4

The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial expenditures and transactions of the IAIP including the holding of all monies, submitting due bills to members and receiving payments. The Treasurer shall keep records of all financial transactions and shall prepare an annual budget. The Treasurer shall report on all monies received and expended.

Section 5

The President may appoint one of the Vice-Presidents to perform any duties of the President on his behalf. Whenever necessary, and at the discretion of the council, the other Executive Officers may delegate tasks to non-council members.

Article 8: Sections & Committees

Section 1

IAIP shall consist of interest sections. Sections must be based upon primary fields of recognized professional activity. The sections shall be five in number including the following:

  • Science: Theory and Research,
  • Counseling,
  • Therapy,
  • Education/Pedagogic,
  • Business & Organizations

Section 2

Each section shall develop its own Bye-Laws. The by-laws shall be submitted to the delegate assembly for approval. Section Bye-Laws will be in compliance with the IAIP Constitution.

Section 3

Each section shall elect a chairman and vice-chairman by an absolute majority vote. The chairperson shall serve as Vice-President representing the section on the council of the IAIP.

Section 4

Members shall declare which of their delegates will represent them in each interest section of IAIP. Delegates must meet any terms of admission set by the section’s Bye-Laws.

Section 5

A new section can be established by the following procedure:

  1. A petition must be submitted to the Council for establishing the new section along with letters of endorsement from the chief officer of a minimum of five (5) member organizations.
  2. The council shall submit the petition to the D. A. along with their recommendation for approval.
  3. The D. A. must then approve the petition by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote.

Section 6

According to need and in accordance with the Council, the President may establish ad-hoc committees. The length of service of an ad-hoc committee will be decided by the President in accordance with the Council. The President shall appoint the chairperson of each committee who, in turn, shall form the committee’s membership.

Article 9: Elections of Executive Officers

Section 1

The election procedure of the IAIP shall be by written ballot and may be secret if ten percent (10 %) of the delegates so desire.

Section 2

The Secretary-General shall solicit nominations for the Executive Officers from each of the member societies at least six (6) months prior to the next regularly scheduled D. A. meeting. The Secretary-General shall then notify all members of the nominations received and source of the nomination at least three (3) months prior to the D. A. meeting. Additional nominations may be submitted from the floor at the beginning of the elections process during the D. A. meeting. All nominations from the floor must receive a minimum of ten (10) endorsements from other delegates.

Section 3

Elections shall require an absolute majority. Balloting shall be repeated until the total required number of executive officers are elected by such a majority. As soon as any one person receives such a majority, he or she shall be deemed elected.

Section 4

The sequence of balloting and its other details shall be determined by the President.

Section 5

The newly elected Council members shall assume their duties at the end of the Congress at which they have been elected.

Article 10: Recall

Section I

Upon petition of a majority of the Council or of ten percent (10 %) of the member societies, an Extraordinary D. A. meeting maybe held for the purpose of recalling any Executive Officers of IAIP. A two-thirds (2/3) majority of such a D. A. is required to recall.

Section 2

The method of determining recall of Vice-Presidents shall be determined by each respective Section.

Article 11: Amendments to the Constitution

Section 1

A two-thirds (2/3) majority of votes cast at a D. A. or Extraordinary D. A. shall be required for an amendment to the Constitution.

Section 2

An amendment may be proposed by the Council or by five (5) members. The members shall be informed of any proposed amendment as soon as feasible. The final vote on such an amendment to the Constitution may not occur until at least sixty (60) days after the members have been notified of the proposed amendment.

Article 12: Voting Procedures

All motions must receive a simple majority of favorable votes for passage. Only votes in favor and votes against shall be counted. Abstentions shall be regarded as votes not cast.

Article 13: Relationship to National and Local Laws

All meetings of the Council or of the D. A. and all actions taken by council members shall be conducted in accordance with the laws and ordinary procedures of the nation or locale in which such meetings are held or such duties are performed.

Article 14: Dissolution

Section 1

The D. A. may dissolve the Association by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the total number of authorized voting delegates, including those absent from the D. A. In the event of a liquidation, assets will be refunded to members in the proportion in which such members contributed during the immediately preceding three-year (3) period.

Section 2

The Executive Officers shall carry out the liquidation in an orderly manner.

Adopted by vote of the Extraordinary Delegates Conference June 1, 1972, to August 31,1972, amended in 1985, 1988 and 1991, revised by vote of the Extraordinary Delegates Conference December 12, 1995 to March 28, 1996