The causes of mental illness


Most mental illnesses are most often the result of life situations and experiences and how we deal with them. Dismissal, death, traumatic experience result in stress), which can cause disorders. It is a very individual matter, often mental problems are inherited, other times they arise as a result of current events.

First, attention is drawn to the atypical course of a person’s development, e.g. exposure to traumatic events in childhood. In addition, some disorders have been proven to be hereditary to some extent, such as schizophrenia or an increased likelihood of depression in people with a family history.

However, in psychology there are also concepts of the emergence of disorders that are derived from specific theories / psychological currents. The main currents are psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral and humanistic-existential. Each of them is believed to have a different genesis of mental disorders.

The EZOP (Epidemiology of Psychiatric Disorders and Availability of Psychiatric Healthcare) research shows that 23% people suffer from at least one mental disorder, and one in four experiences many more.

According to specialists, many factors contribute to poor mental health. Poles complain about the fast pace of life, poor economic conditions and unstable work.According to CBOS research, 70 percent. of respondents believe that living conditions in Poland are harmful to mental health, including 23 percent. there is no doubt about it.

65 percent of the respondents considered unemployment to be a factor threatening their mental health, followed by alcohol abuse. 46 percent believes that family troubles are the factor causing disturbances, and 30 percent. points to poverty.


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